There are infinite ways of describing what “community” means across cultures, contexts, and languages. What does it mean to you?


<aside> ✨ To us, community is a web of mutual care around a shared possibility.


It is easy to generalize “community” as any group of people with shared interests, or as structures, digital tools, or events. For us, the essence of community is relationships of care, held together by a sense of kinship and mutual support. We use the language of community weaving to remind us that we can’t build a web of relationships. That community is a living practice. And that our work is to weave a flourishing tapestry of reciprocity.

We are also curious to expand this definition beyond human relationships. After all, our lives are grounded in place, interwoven with the land, plants, waters, animals, and other beings that we share this planet and universe with. What would it mean to include all forms of life in our communities, like our ancestors did and many Indigenous communities do today? And what would the world look like if we understood it as one big web of relationships?

Listen to Māori change leader Evie O’Brien speak to what lies at the heart of community


Learn more about the meaning of community:


The Framework