“All models are wrong but some are useful.” - George Box

We hope that the elements in this framework will provide language for your community to come into deeper conversation and inspiration to weave a beautiful whole. And we invite you not to take this framework too seriously or literally. This is but one of infinite ways to think about community. May it serve as an initial spark to bring up the questions most relevant to your own context.

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Some possible pathways you might explore:

Collaborating on the framwork

We put together a Miro board [COMING SOON] with key questions for each element. We invite you to make a copy, choose what questions feel most relevant and bring your fellow community members to collaborate.


Capturing the essence

Do you want to capture key aspects of your community on a ****single page? We created a starting point with this Minimum Viable Canvas. We invite you to make a copy and change the questions to fit your group’s needs.


Other pathways to explore

Zooming in

Zooming out

Getting started

Other Community Frameworks