How do we relate with the wider web?

Communities do not exist in isolation. While it’s vital to tend to the relationships within, it’s also important to care for the relationships between communities and the larger ecosystems.


<aside> ✨ What other communities, networks and movements are there? ****


<aside> ✨ How might we interweave and contribute to a larger whole?


<aside> ✨ How are we relating to the more-than-human world we’re all part of?


These questions can lead us to harmonize rhythms between communities, create intentional pathways for learning and relating across communities, and nurture a field of mutual support for the wider ecosystem.

Here are some resources for weaving the bigger web:


<aside> ✨ Do you have a powerful resource we could add to the list? Please add your suggestion here.


Working with the Framework

Zooming in

Getting started

Other Community Frameworks